President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a very powerful and moving address last night to the sisters of the Relief Society. The Relief Society is the women's organization in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It has the motto of "charity never faileth". It's major purpose is to help those in need and to succor the weak, whether they belong to the Church or not. President Uchtdorf's talk was directed at every women on earth, all of the daughters of God and I truly hope that his message is able to penetrate every female heart. I also hope that any man who hears his talk is able to have the truth of his message resonate within him.
President Uchtdorf used the metaphor of the little blue forget-me-not flower. Sometime we may feel small and overshadowed, but sometimes the smallest flower can have the purest beauty. He used the five petals to discuss 5 important truths that we should never forget.
1. Don't forget to be patient with yourself. Don't punish yourself for not being perfect. You can have high expectations for yourself, but don't have impossible expectations. Be compassionate with yourself. This is a hard one for me because I expect a lot of myself and I fall short and I get upset and discouraged. It is so important not to let that discouragement rule my life. I need to celebrate the small and simple victories of every day life. I can keep high expectations, but not beat myself up when I fall short. I can learn from them without despairing.
2. Remember the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice. It is wise to sacrifice something that is good for something better, but it is foolish to sacrifice something good for something less important. One of the examples he gave was it is a good sacrifice to miss a night of sleep to care for a sick child, but foolish to miss a night of sleep making trinkets for every member of your Sunday School class.
3. Be happy now. We should not be wasting time waiting for a "golden ticket" or a magical moment in life when all will be right and we will be happy. We need to learn to be happy now. (The golden ticket referenced Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Everyone was so focused on getting a golden ticket that they forgot to enjoy the simple pleasure of a chocolate candy bar. Enjoy the chocolate ;) At least that's what I go from that)
4. Remember the "why" of the Gospel. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the "what" and "how" of the Gospel, but the "why" is important. The Gospel is not an obligation, it is a pathway. Keeping the commandments of the Lord and living the standards of the Church is not a burden, but a light. It is the guidance from our Father in Heaven to find true joy.
5. The Lord LOVES you. You are not forgotten. This is the sincerest and most penetrating truth. The Lord knows who you are, He knows your name, He knows your strengths and weaknesses. He loves you and you are not forgotten.
"Never stop striving for the best that is within you." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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