Saturday, August 27, 2011

Seek Diligently

I was reading in the Book of Mormon about the prophet Enos who prayed mightily to the Lord for forgiveness for his sins, the sins of his people, and the sins of his enemies. He also testifies in his writings that his people did "seek diligently to restore the Lamanites [their enemies] unto the true faith in  God." (Enos 1:20) Reading this is what finally convinced me that creating a blog about my spiritual thoughts was a good idea. So that I might diligently seek to convincing of those I love and those I don't know of the truth of God. I don't wish to force anyone to believe something they don't wish to believe. I do wish to convince everyone of what I believe, of what I know to be true. God lives and He is our Father in Heaven. We are His children and He loves each of us individually and knows our hearts and our sincerest desires. I know that we are His spirit children and we lived with Him before we came to Earth and we may live with Him again when we leave Earth if we follow Jesus Christ and His teachings. I seek diligently to change myself for the better and to bring joy to those around me by following the perfect example of Jesus Christ.

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